I'm Scared Everyday...

Emma just had her 9th birthday... I can't believe it. There have been so many times that I could have lost her. I lived in constant fear when she was younger and purposely kept her from places and activities due to her food allergies. If you would have told me then, that she would be thriving in school, loved playing team sports, traveled and went to birthday parties, I'm not sure I would have believed it. Don't get me wrong, I'M SCARED EVERYDAY. I don't think the fear will ever completely go away but I have learned to manage it better. Here are some food allergy safety rules that I follow with Emma. I hope they will help you. 1. She NEVER leaves home with out her Epipen. It is with her at all times, even at school. It is not left in the office, it is always next to her. Her doctor wrote a note saying that due to Emma's history and the severity of her allergies, it must be with her at all times. 2. I pack Emma's lunch and snacks everyday. We never partici...