
I'm Scared Everyday...

Emma just had her 9th birthday... I can't believe it. There have been so many times that I could have lost her. I lived in constant fear when she was younger and purposely kept her from places and activities due to her food allergies. If you would have told me then, that she would be thriving in school, loved playing team sports, traveled and went to birthday parties, I'm not sure I would have believed it. Don't get me wrong, I'M SCARED EVERYDAY.  I don't think the fear will ever completely go away but I have learned to manage it better. Here are some food allergy safety rules that I follow with Emma. I hope they will help you.  1. She NEVER leaves home with out her Epipen. It is with her at all times, even at school. It is not left in the office, it is always next to her. Her doctor wrote a note saying that due to Emma's history and the severity of her allergies, it must be with her at all times.  2. I pack Emma's lunch and snacks everyday. We never partici...

How do you keep your daughter safe on an airplane?

Emma and I love to travel but of course there are safety issues that come up because of her food allergies.  I often get asked, How do you keep your daughter safe on an airplane? I will admit, flying with her still causes major anxiety for me specifically because I know that if she goes into anaphylaxis, the plane will have to make an emergency landing. Also, there will be a delay in getting her to an emergency room for continued treatment after administering her Epipen, and that is also a major concern. However, we choose to enjoy life as much as possible and have come up with a system that works for us. I am sharing this in hopes that it helps you too. Here is a list of the steps I take when flying with Emma… 1. I only book airlines who don’t serve nuts of any kind, who allow medical pre-boarding and who make an announcement to other passengers about her having life threatening food allergies. Jet blue is by far the best in my opinion- they go out of their way to constantly check...

Your daughter has so many food allergies... What can she eat?

 My daughter, 8 year old "Allergic Emma", is allergic to eggs, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, pumpkin, coconut, and all "pit foods" like avocados, peaches, etc. The question I get asked the most is, What CAN she eat? Luckily, she is not allergic to any proteins so beef, chicken, pork, turkey, shellfish and fish are all safe for her. She is not a big fan of fish, I think its a texture thing, but loves shrimp and eats it often. Also, she does not have a problem with wheat so that helps a lot. Due to all of her allergies, she can't have things that most children have like happy meals, ice cream and pizza. It definitely is hard at times when she wants to be a "normal" kid but the silver lining is she eats very healthy. In the picture above, Emma is eating her favorite meal- steak, corn and a baked potato. I often hear "she eats like an adult"... which is true. I cook most of her food in olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper which she loves. 2 years ago,...


 My name is Rose. I have an amazing 8 year old daughter named Emma, known to many as Allergic Emma. She has had 5 anaphylactic reactions and is dedicating her life to helping others like her. I’m incredibly proud of her but the journey is a tough one. Follow along for food allergy information and my personal side to her story.